Aug 28, 2013

Abuela's birthday

Yesterday was Abuela's birthday, and we had birthday fun all week. Monday we took her to the Micosukee Casino in town. She just loves playing the slots. Then, yesterday we took her out to dinner at her fave BBQ place in town, Shorty's. We also got her some great gifts including a new purse (she's a bit of a purse fiend) and a telenovela she wanted on DVD (which she has been binge watching like nobody's business). It's great just to be able to spend the day with her and relax.

I know everyone thinks their grandma is awesome, but mine takes the cake. She's my partner-in-crime, my roomie, my personal fashion designer, and makes a mean congri de frijoles negros (rice with black beans).

Here's to the happiest of birthdays Abuela! Felicidades!