To avoid the mess of having to make food and then having to clean it all up, we opted to hold the reunion at a restaurant. We picked Havana Harry's which has great Cuban cuisine in a cool modern setting. So we cleared the date (April 17th) with everyone and started the plan fest. The theme for the reunion was "Recuerdos de Mamá y Papá" (Memories of Mamá and Papá), Mamá and Papá being my great-grandparents, so we gathered up tons of pics and got to making stuff.
As always, most of our decor was handmade. We made the invites, the menus and the table decor. For the table decor we did something a little different. We got framed pictures of Mamá and Papá and set those up with single orange and

Grandma also had a great handmade idea. The orchids in her backyard were blooming, so we went and got 8 of them (for her, each of her sisters & sisters-in-law) and made corsages. She had her flower lady make a sample first, and then mom and I got to it and made the corsages. I was amazed, they came out great, especially considering that we don't usually do this type of thing! But the elders looked great with their corsages on.

Another important decor detail was our memory table, kinda of the centerpiece of the event. We had a hat to symbolize Papá and an apron to symbolize Mamá. We also used the colador (which was what they used to make coffee) that my mom had made for the legends event. We also placed the favors on the table. We had books with the story of the family for the sons and daughters of Mamá and Papá plus DVDs of the slideshow for every family. Everyone began to arrive, and we began.

As the stories and speeches were going on, we had a great lunch: salad, a choice of masas de puerco (fried pork chunks), bistec de palomilla (thin Cuban seasoned steak), and pechuga a la plancha (grilled chicken breast) with rice, beans and fried sweet plantains, maduros. The food was delicious. Even my picky aunt liked it!
After that, the pictures began. Each of the smaller families had their pictures taken, and then we had the big pictures.
I have to say that I'm grateful to come from such a large united family. I love being able to know my family history and to hear all the stories from grandma and my great-aunts. The party was a rousing success, and everyone was super impressed and left with full tummies and happy hearts.
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