Oct 25, 2007

buy handmade!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org

this holiday season the handmade consortium has launched a website:

what is all of this? let me explain. the awesome handmade peeps at Etsy, Craftster, Indiepublic, Craft Magazine, Interweave Press, Burdastyle, The Austin Craft Mafia, Design Sponge, and The American Craft Council have joined together to start the handmade consortium and buyhandmade.org. they want to encourage people to think before spending this holiday season and buy handmade! no big box stores, no regular retail. it's all about helping your local (and not so local) artisans across the world and letting everyone know about buying handmade.

oh, by the way, here's the pledge:
“I pledge to buy handmade this holiday season, and request that others do the same for me.”

i've already taken the pledge (which means lots of handmade goodies for all this season), and am hoping you'll do the same too. just click on this link and you can sign the petition (please note that they have been bombarded with pledges, so it may take a while for your name to show up). let's let the world know that handmade is the way to go!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org

just in case you don't want to sign right now, dbD will have buy handmade buttons on the main website at www.designedbyDiana.com and right here at the blog in the right hand column.

BTW, i'm signature #961!


  1. Hmm everyone seems to be joining it, seems like a good way to expand the business huh. Might try it out for my jewelry store ;)

  2. charms i truly feel that sending out that good karhma to other handmade sellers will bring it back to me! i'm already scoping out things to buy for my family...

  3. Hey Diana! Thanks for posting about Buy Handmade. I guess I need to go and take the pledge as well.
