Mar 18, 2011

For Japan

The earthquake, and everything it brought along with it, has devasted Japan. I'm doing my part to help and I urge everyone to help too.

My friend, Greg, currently lives and goes to school in Tokyo, Japan. He took video of the quake as it happened:

I just donated to the American Red Cross via Living Social. LivingSocial will match your $5 donation. So donating $5 there is acutally like donating $10. Here's a link to the LivingSocial donation page:
You can also donate directly to the Red Cross on their page here:

And you can also donate through For Japan With Love. A HUGE community of bloggers have decided to stay silent today to help the relief efforts in Japan. They are taking donations for Shelter Box.

Try to help if you can. Every little bit helps.

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