Aug 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Abuelo & Abuela

Today is a very important day around here, it's my grandparents' birthday!

I was so very lucky to have grown up with all 4 of my grandparents. Abuelo & Abuela are the ones we spent the most time with. 

When I was about 8, Abuelo retired and was there every day with my brothers and I. He was our chauffeur, picking us up from school and taking us for snacks, to the park and anywhere else. He taught us to swim in the pool at their house. And was more than happy to play lifeguard every afternoon during the summer as my brothers and I and the cousins had a pool party every afternoon. When we slept over, he would make us fried eggs and tostada (Cuban toast) for breakfast. Abuelo made the best chicken soup and his puerco asado (roasted pork) at Christmas is something I miss every year. My Abuelo (Angel was his name) is no longer with us, but was one of the best men that I knew.

Abuela worked from home when we were little and watched my brothers and I after school. She would make us steak and rice for dinner almost every night... it was so good. She is still my personal seamstress. I never knew that everyone's grandma didn't make them all of their clothes until I was about 7 or 8. I was so used to getting any dress I wanted made at the drop of a hat. She is the reason I sew. She never really taught me, but I feel like I learned just by being around her sewing all the time. Her handiwork is so perfect (and sometimes better than off the rack clothes), that it's intimidating for me to make clothes. I just can't do it half way. She's my roomie now, and still makes those yummy steaks and tostones. And the best congri de frijoles negros. And yeah, she's still sewing. Gotta love her.

So, a very happy birthday to Abuelo, who I know is one of the Angels that watches over me. And a super happy birthday to Abuela who is my partner in crime and a great role model. Los quiero!!

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