Dec 17, 2014



Watching: Christmas movies! I love watching Christmas movies to get me in the holiday spirit. I've already watched Love Actually, and looks like The Holiday might be up for viewing after the Michael Buble holiday special tonight.

Working on: Some handmade Christmas goodies. I'm not going all out and doing totally handmade, but I do have a few things that I'm making for some of my gifts this year. I can't wait to give them to their owners!

Wishing: That it would be cold on Noche Buena and Christmas Day! This is always one of my wishes every year, since I would like to feel a little Christmas-y and not like it's the middle of the summer on Christmas Day.

Thinking about: What to do here on the blog. My interests and passions are changing, and I haven't really known what to share here on the blog. I've been more into fitness lately than crafting and baking. I still like to do these things, but it seems like fitness is taking place as my main hobby these days. I've just started Insanity Max :30, and I'm so excited to see how far I can go. I know I wrote a while back that I was gonna include more fitness on here, but I just don't know how to do it yet. I think I'm just gonna go with the flow and bring you along on my runs and workouts and hopefully, you'll stay on this journey with me. I'm in no way a fitness expert, but I've been thinking that the fitness blogs that I enjoy most are just normal people sharing their love of fitness. And I know that I want to tell people that if I can do it, they can too. I've never been an athlete or into fitness until the last few years, but if this couch potato can get moving anyone can.

Making me happy: Getting Christmas gifts for my friends, cooler weather, holiday get togethers, Christmas cards in the mail, flannel pajama pants, great online friends, holiday baking, wrapping presents, late night movies

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