Jan 22, 2013


Watching:  I've been catching up on Whitney lately. That show is so funny!

Thinking about: Where to go on vacation this year. I already started planning a trip to Key West with some friends in April, but I'm thinking of somewhere to go maybe in the fall. I'm thinking of staying in the US this year, but anything is possible.

Reading:  I'm reading The Happiness Project. I've been hearing about this book for a while online and in the blogs, so I finally got it. It's really great and has tons of awesome ideas.

Planning:  Starting a line of a little something new for my online store. I'm still thinking how it would work best and designing the final look, but I'm really excited about it. I'm hoping to have something new to show off soon.

Looking forward to:  My trip to Orlando next month. I can't wait to see my BFF and her little ones (who are getting entirely too big!).

Making me happy: The new Zumba class I'm going to, leaving work at a decent hour, re-learning to knit, getting into the groove of sewing again, my new purse

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