Apr 23, 2014


 Watching: Netflix. I just got a Netflix account, so I'm watching tons of stuff. Already inhaled Orange is the new Black, and I'm gonna start House of Cards soon. Right now, I'm watching tons of random movies that I never got a chance to see. I really liked that Denzel Washington movie, Flight. It was really good. I think Lars and the Real Girl is on the queue for tonight.

Looking forward to: Being able to go in the pool. Summer is just around the corner, but my pool is still too cold to stand. I'm hoping the weather will be nice this weekend, so I can at least sit by the pool and enjoy the sun for a bit.

Eating: Too much yummy but not good for me stuff. It's time to clean things up in the eating department. I know it'll make me look and feel better.

Making me happy: iced caramel macchiatos, baking cupcakes, long lunches, talking with friends, getting manis, new dresses, cute shoes, weekends, watching movies

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