Feb 1, 2011

30 for 30: Day 1

Yes, I'm crazy. I've taken to doing another blog challenge. This time I'm doing Kendi's 30 for 30 remix style challenge. The whole idea of this challenge is to use what you already have in your wardrobe. You choose 30 items of clothing and remix them into 30 outfits over the next 30 days.

So I chose my 30 items, which seem to be basically my entire wardrobe, and started today.

So here is outfit #1. I think it's pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I even got compliments on it at work today.

So here's what I wore:
  • Purple Cardi--Target
  • Black Cami--Kmart
  • Boot-cut Jeans--Old Navy
  • Black Patent T-Straps--Payless
And I added:
  • Belt--Payless
  • Earrings--I have no idea
  • Necklace--I have no idea
(I'm still scouting out a better photo location, so bear with me.)

I hope I don't lose it before the end of the month!

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